Why empower women?

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Sewing workshop, ASI Congo, Stop Hunger award laureate 2022

Backed up by figures, the conclusion is clear: providing women with better education, training, means of production and financial resources will maximize the possibility of eradicating hunger from the world!

  • Women and girls make up 43% of the agricultural workforce in the global south. In Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa, women and girls produce nearly 70% of the region’s food crops by volume.
  • But women have a 27% higher chance than men of being severely food insecure.  
  • For every dollar made by a man, a woman earns 77 cents, and 90% of that income is invested on their family, compared to 40% for men.
  • Women farmers have significantly less access to, control over, and ownership of land and other productive assets compared to their male counterparts: women account for only 12.8 per cent of agricultural landholders in the world
  • Environmental degradation and climate change have disproportionate impacts on women and children - Globally, women are 14 times more likely than men to die during a disaster. 
  • Women are less likely to be entrepreneurs and face more disadvantages starting businesses: In 40% of economies, women’s early-stage entrepreneurial activity is half or less than half of that of men’s.


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