Backed up by figures, the conclusion is clear: going beyond food aid and providing women with better education, training, means of production and financial resources to make communities in need food self-sufficient will maximize the possibility of eradicating hunger from the world by 2030!
To sustainably end hunger, we must go beyond meals and empower women
Empowering women
Over the last four years, Stop Hunger has invested US$ 5 million in programs contributing to supporting women or groups of women. Educating, training, financing and supporting girls and women is critical to creating a sustainable food system that can eradicate hunger!
Access to education, training and employment
In order to ensure a regular income for a decent and active life, we must prioritize activities that transfer expertise, skills, training and professional integration, mostly in connection with food. We also focus on developing work for women to increase their incomes and benefit their families and their communities.
Food self-sufficiency
The idea? Though regular distribution of food remains an essential measure to address critical situations, it is not a sustainable solution.
Today, 61% of our activities go beyond food aid..
Food self-sufficiency means to produce food for oneself, one’s family and even one’s community.
Food self-sufficiency is also a national-level issue when it comes to eliminating hunger in a country.
To be sustained, self-sufficiency is a question of education, training and resources, with priority to the women we support, as we are convinced of their considerable role in fighting hunger.
Knowing that local cultures and self-sufficiency constitute a food and economic alternative for the most vulnerable families, we support community gardens, women empowerment projects, and education initiatives around the world.